Why you should choose to use a seagrass/ water hyacinth carpet?

What is a seagrass/water hyacinth mat? Seagrass/water hyacinth carpet colors and sizes?

Instead of the current carpet products prefer to use materials from synthetic fibers, wool, nylon ... seagrass/water hyacinth mat has a more special material from seagrass, a plant that grows and is grown in many provinces. Seagrass carpet is a carpet made entirely of seagrass, sedge, squash, water hyacinth and corn leaves. The carpet has a pleasant scent, which is safe for the health of the user and creates a natural rustic for your living space.


Hand-woven seagrass/water hyacinth rug in round, rectangular and seductive patterns blends easily into any area of ​​the house and every living room, bedroom and kitchen decor. If you prefer a quiet and courteous living space, you should display a rug with light tones, very suitable for a morning listening to gentle music, enjoying hot tea and biscuits, along with your interest in reading or surfing the web.


In addition, you can also decorate a sedge carpet in bright spaces, hot tones. At this time, the seagrass/water hyacinth carpet will become a breakthrough for your interior design. Thanks to the sedge carpet, your home space will become softer and more harmonious.


The carpet has an elegant color, usually around beige, brown, creamy white tones.


Why should I buy a sedge mat? Advantages of sedge carpet

We cannot deny the values ​​of decorative sedge mats bring to the interior space as follows:


• Carpets are of natural origin, safe for users.


• For people with sensitive skin, sedge carpet is the perfect choice, does not cause skin irritation.


• Using natural products such as sedge mats, you will contribute to protecting the environment.


• The aesthetics of the rug is quite high when it is handcrafted, suitable for wooden imitation plastic floors or wooden furniture.


• The sedge mat brings comfort, making your feet always smooth, relaxing when moving on the floor.



What is a sedge mat? Instructions for use, preservation of the sedge carpet

The sedge mat is made of 100% natural materials, does not use harmful chemicals to prevent mold, so it is very safe for your family's health. However, using sedge mats requires you to thoroughly understand them, so that the carpet has a long life and keeps the newness of the carpet. Here are some notes to use the sedge carpet.



The carpet is woven by sedge, natural color, safe for health and friendly with the environment.

• The sedge mat is made from dried sedge trees, which is easy to accumulate dust; So please use a vacuum cleaner on the carpet if you want to clean the carpet.

• If fin stains get in the carpet, use a toothbrush soaking in a little water but not soaked in water, rub lightly on the stain, then dry with a hairdryer to avoid papyrus mold.

• A special note with sedge mats: absolutely avoid water. When the carpet gets wet, you can leave it in the sun to dry and ventilate and continue using as usual.

• When the carpet is moldy, use a damp cloth to clean it, then dry it to cool before using it to avoid breaking or tearing the carpet.



Before buying a sedge mat, you should learn carefully what is the sedge carpet and why you should buy a sedge carpet to apply the benefits of this product. Wishing you to find the product with the best price and higher aesthetic value than other modern carpets on the market!



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